Thursday, September 11, 2008

Pregnancy complications? Nooo, not meee!!!

Just as soon as I opened my big mouth to say the pregnancy is going well, all hell broke loose. First the braxton hicks - up to 6 or 7 per hour. I went in to be monitored, they sent me home. Then this excruciating back pain, which I equate to back labor. I went in, they gave me vicodin, they sent me home. The next day, the pain was still there, but worse. I went in, they gave me percoset, and determined it must be kidney stones... kidney stones???? Well, I had no idea that eating a bottle of tums and not drinking enough water could be so hazardous. So they sent me home on the new med. Then, the next day, all that fluid I forced down came rushing up and out, from both ends matter of fact. So now I risk being dehydrated because the percoset makes me vomit. This time, they gave me all kinds of anti-emetics. I chose the Zofran, which is working quite nicely. It's hard for my family to believe that I, who only takes tylenol in the case of a severe headache, am now taking pepcid for the reflux, percoset for the pain, and zofran for the vomiting brought on by the pain med. Lord help me!

Now about the kidney stones, they happen more frequently in pregnant women than I ever knew. It's not caused by too much calcium as many think, but by too little H2O to aid the kidneys in flushing out toxins, but a heavy dose of calcium doesn't help the situation. Also, the weight of the baby can lead to poor elimination as well, which is all a great recipe for stones. And I was lovin' those tums - reminded me of georgia white dirt - glad I can't get my hands on any of that! Anyway, kidney stones hurt so bad that I don't really notice the contractions anymore. And the meds all make me sleepy, dizzy, and downright useless. Needless to say I haven't been to work since this started, and probably won't be going back at this point according to the doc. Not sure how many stones I have, as they would have to do an xray to confirm that, and that's not recommended, as I have no symptoms other that severe back pain. That means there's at least one stone there and it's not big enough to block the flow of urine or cause bleeding. So the plan is to flush it out with aggressive fluid intake. That means getting up all night to pee, and sleeping all day due to the combination of a lack of a good nights rest and meds that make me sit up here looking like a heroine addict. Wow, how things have changed for me in just a week.

Just keep me in prayer that the(se) stone(s) will pass soon so I can come off these meds, and stop feeling this pain - if I miss a dose by a few minutes the pain starts all over again. I've hardly eaten anything for fear of vomiting, and lack of an appetite as well. I guess I had some nerve thinking I would have TWO problem free pregnancies!

Oh, and about how big I am, turns out I have a greater amount of amniotic fluid than average, which makes for a twin looking belly. So I go in next week to be checked out again for that. With 9 or less weeks to go, things can only get better from here, right???

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